In two brand-new films full of action, suspense, and humor, the beloved police detectives Semir Gerkhan (Erdoğan Atalay) and Vicky Reisinger (Pia Stutzenstein) once again dive into dangerous investigations, risking their lives to save the innocent.
The end of an era
The company that produces the series “Cobra 11” – Action Concept has announced that the premises located in Hürth, a suburb of Cologne, are up for sale.
The “Cobra 11” star Christian Oliver and his daughters died in a plane crash.
In a plane crash in the Caribbean, the actor Christian Oliver and his two daughters, Madita (10 years old) and Anik (12 years old), died at the age of 51.
Premiere season 27 on DIEMA
Watch the premiere for Bulgaria season 27 of Cobra 11 on January 2, every weekday at 12:00 (repeat at 07:45) on DIEMA.
“Cobra 11” with a new season on RTL+
From October 20, the duo “Semir and Vicky” will return with 3 new episodes.
Premiere season 26 on DIEMA
Watch the premiere for Bulgaria season 26 of Cobra 11 on January 13, every weekday at 20:00 (repeat at 11:00) on DIEMA.
“Alarm for Cobra 11” returns on RTL in 2022
“Alarm for Cobra 11” returns on RTL in 2022, but with 90-minute episodes.
Premiere season 25 on DIEMA
Watch the premiere for Bulgaria season 25 (seasons 46 and 47) of Cobra 11 on July 29, every weekday at 20:00 (repeat at 11:00) on DIEMA.
Premiere season 24 on DIEMA
Watch the premiere for Bulgaria season 24 (seasons 44 and 45) of Cobra 11 on July 16, every weekday at 20:00 (repeat at 11:00) on DIEMA.
25 years “Alarm for Cobra 11”
“Cobra 11” celebrates its 25th anniversary: It’s 25 years of action, 25 years of high-speed car chases and 25 years of car wrecking. Exactly 25 years ago, RTL set entirely new standards for action with the first episode of “Cobra 11”. The first episode aired exactly 25 years ago The […]